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Horse & Heart – Social Support Projects –

Social Support Projects


Horse & Heart is a social enterprise that was created to offer training opportunities to all,

and to also support people who might be feeling more vulnerable or facing challenging times.

Here are some social support projects we are involved in.

Courses for
Mental Health
Support & Recovery 

Horse & Heart offers several courses that are specifically focused on supporting mental health & social recovery, offering tools for resilience, empowerement, confidence and social & emotional skills.


In person, in the Horse & Heart herd

In person, Exeter

Online (Winter course):

  • Connect from the Heart – A Home Study for true connection with your companion plant or animal.

                   We are looking for funding to make these courses free for all!

True Ways
Holistic Horsemanship Apprenticeship for Teenagers

The True Ways Programme, open to teenagers 10 to 19 years old, is a fantastic opportunity for young people to learn  the full Holistic Horsemanship curriculum for an amazing experience as well as real competence and skills.

True Ways is sponsored by Horse & Heart to make it accessible to all, supporting children from familes with modest income.

We are looking for funding to make this programme free for all!

Whisperkid'z & Mini Whispers Clubs
Horsemanship Classses for Children

The Whisperkid'z and Mini Whispers Clubs allow children from 6 to 13 years old to discover the technique of Master Horse Whisperers through an age-adapted programme.

Holistic Horsemanship develops personal skills such as self-confidence and expression, conscious communication, team building and cooperation, positive leadership, resilience and empathy, emotional intelligence, and motor skills.

Whisperkid'z & Mini Whispers are sponsored by Horse & Heart to make them accessible to all, supporting children from familes with modest income.

We are looking for funding to make this programme free for all!

We are looking for Funding to make more programmes accessible to all.

Can you help?   Be in touch!


« I am so grateful. This course has changed my life! »

« What a fantastic opportunity for the kids! I don't think they would have learnt these things anywhere else. »

« What I have learnt from Marie on the '"Furiously Happy" course and on this block of Horse Wise has been so impactful – more impactful than being bounced around traditional mental health services for the past few years  (group CBT, talking therapies etc). It is such a gift to be able to work with Marie and her herd. »

« We're on benefits so I could never have attended anything like this nor offered it to the children if it hadn't been funded. And it has been such a powerful journey of transformation for us. The kids are calmer, we have learnt tools to see life in a positive way, to work better together and to feel more empowered. Thank you so much! »

« This is the one place where I can come and just be ME, knowing that I will be received and welcome with all that I am, without anything being taken away from me. »

« This is how school should be... always. And it should be available to every child! »

« The horses have taught me to live in the moment and to let go of fear from the past and of fear of the future. Just to be – and enjoynow. »

« This course has enabled me to feel that I have a right to my own freedom and happiness. »

« What I have learnt... is to greet the world with more compassion. »

« I now feel courage to be in the world. »

« I have learnt to understand my needs and am much better at looking after myself. It has given me a key to being with others whom I normally avoided, and be clear about my boundaries. »

« I feel empowered. Like I've come home to myself. Like I belong. »


« The work we do here is rippling out much further and beyond the people who come here. It's like seeds sown in the world. »

« With 3 children it is hard to give them all the opportunities they deserve. And yet they do deserve them, just like everyone else, and childhood slips away so quickly ! »

« Thank you for your generosity in sharing this and so passionately encouraging everyone to share in each other. »


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